State Agreements (SA) Procedures |
Proc. # |
Subject |
Issue Date |
SA-10 |
Joint Oversight of the National Materials Program (ML19123A085)
05/23/19 |
SA-100 |
Implementation of the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (ML20274A147)
09/30/20 |
SA-101 |
Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Status of Materials Inspection Program (ML20220A475)
09/15/20 |
SA-102 |
Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Technical Quality of Inspections (ML20188A044)
09/15/20 |
SA-103 |
Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Technical Staffing and Training (ML20238B904)
| 09/15/20 |
SA-104 |
Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Technical Quality of Licensing (ML20255A207)
09/15/20 |
SA-105 |
Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities (ML20196L417)
09/15/20 |
SA-106 |
The Management Review Board (ML20192A315)
09/16/20 |
SA-107 |
Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator, Legislation, Regulations, and Other Program Elements (ML20183A328)
09/15/20 |
SA-108 |
Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator, Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Program (ML20244A280)
09/15/20 |
SA-109 |
Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program (ML20184A085)
09/15/20 |
SA-110 |
Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator, Uranium Recovery Program (ML20245E135)
09/15/20 |
SA-111 |
Formal Qualifications for IMPEP Team Members and Team Leaders (ML17012A174)
03/22/17 |
SA-112 |
SA-112 Emergency Suspension of Section 274b. Agreement (ML21090A253)
| 04/19/21 |
SA-113 |
Placing an Agreement State Program on Probation (ML15106A749)
06/05/17 |
SA-114 |
Suspension of a Section 274b Agreement (ML110620241)  |
03/09/11 |
SA-115 |
Termination of a Section 274b Agreement (ML072510010)  |
09/25/07 |
SA-116 |
Periodic Meetings between IMPEP Reviews (ML21243A517)  |
10/06/21 |
SA-118 |
Meetings for New Agreement States (ML100491807)  |
03/19/10 |
SA-119 |
Followup Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Reviews (ML12220A473)  |
08/24/12 |
SA-120 |
State Participation as IMPEP Team Members (ML100480173)
05/04/10 |
SA-122 |
Enhanced Oversight (ML21160A158)  |
01/16/22 |
SA-123 |
Conducting Self-Assessments of the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (ML111580392)
06/24/11 |
SA-200 |
Compatibility Categories and Health and Safety Identification for NRC Regulations and Other Program Elements (ML20183A325)
08/27/20 |
SA-201 |
Review of State Regulatory Requirements (ML20183A323)
08/27/20 |
SA-202 |
Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility (ML21081A103)
04/07/21 |
SA-300 |
Reporting Material Events (ML21165A163)
Handbook on Nuclear Material Event Reporting for the Agreement States (ML22266A093)  |
08/03/22 11/28/22 |
SA-400 |
Management of Agreement State Program Performance Concerns (ML22243A239)  |
09/29/22 |
SA-500 |
Jurisdiction Determinations Interim Final. (ML23228A191)  |
09/15/23 |
SA-600 |
Process and Criteria for Agreement State Personnel to Attend NRC-Sponsored Training (ML20226A195)  |
08/26/20 |
SA-700 |
Processing an Agreement – Interim State Agreement (SA) Procedure SA-700 (ML22138A414) 
Handbook for Processing an Agreement (ML22140A396) 
| 06/15/22 06/17/22 |
SA-800 |
Providing NRC Predecisional Documents to Agreement States, Organization of Agreement States, Inc., and Appropriate Working Groups of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (ML080590677) |
SA-801 |
Agreement State Participation in NRC Working Groups SA-801 (ML22245A083)

10/13/22 |
SA-801A |
Agreement State Participation in Rulemaking Working Groups SA-801A (ML18263A239)

01/16/19 |
SA-802 |
Standing Committee for Reviewing Emerging Medical Technologies (ML22269A546)  |
10/04/22 |
SA-900 |
Termination of Uranium Milling Licenses in Agreement States (ML101130527)
Draft State Agreement (SA) Procedure 900 Termination of Uranium Milling Licensing in Agreement State (ML21162A046)
05/17/10 10/07/22 |
SA-1001 |
Implementation of Management Directive 5.7 "Technical Assistance to Agreement States" (ML17152A403)
11/27/18 |
SA-1101 |
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Organization of Agreement States, and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. Monthly Meeting (ML21097A177)
07/02/21 |