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Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
NRC working with Federal, State, local governments,
and Native American Tribes
and Native American Tribes
The Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective communications and working relationship between the NRC and States, local government, other Federal agencies and Native American Tribal Governments. NMSS serves as the primary contact for policy matters between NRC and these government groups and keeps these groups informed of NRC activities. It keeps the Agency appraised of these groups' activities as they may affect NRC and conveys to NRC management these groups' views toward NRC policies, plans, and activities.
The Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Security, State and Tribal Programs (MSST) in NMSS, along with other NRC Headquarters and Regional Offices implement day-to-day activities in the Agreement State Program, State Liaison Program, and Tribal Liaison Program.
Agreement State ProgramThe State Agreement and Liaison Programs Branch implements the Agreement State Program that provides program direction and guidance in the following areas: the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP), States intending to become Agreement States or amending their Agreements, [Expand]
The State Agreement and Liaison Programs Branch implements the Agreement State Program that provides program direction and guidance in the following areas: the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP), States intending to become Agreement States or amending their Agreements, compatibility review of State regulations, coordinates with Regional State Agreement Officers (RSAO’s), coordinates and serves as principal liaison with Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) and the Organization of Agreement States (OAS), training of Agreement State materials licensing and inspection staffs, coordinates the termination of uranium milling licenses in Agreement States, and Agreement State/NRC jurisdictional issues.
Today, 39 States have entered into Agreements with the NRC. The State of Connecticut is currently pursuing an Agreement with the NRC.
National Materials Program (NMP) is the broad collective framework within which both the NRC and the Agreement States function in carrying out their respective regulatory programs for radioactive material. The mission of the NMP is to create a genuine partnership between the NRC and Agreement States that will ensure protection of public health, safety, security, and the environment from the hazards associated with radioactive material. Through the NMP, the NRC and Agreement States function as regulatory partners. [Shrink]
The State Agreement and Liaison Programs Branch also implements the Federal and State Liaison Programs and works in cooperation with Federal, State, local governments, and interstate organizations. Under the Federal and State Liaison Program, this cooperation ensures that the NRC maintains effective [Expand]
The State Agreement and Liaison Programs Branch also implements the Federal and State Liaison Programs and works in cooperation with Federal, State, local governments, and interstate organizations. Under the Federal and State Liaison Program, this cooperation ensures that the NRC maintains effective relations and communications with these organizations. It also promotes greater awareness and mutual understanding of the policies, activities, and concerns of all parties involved, as they relate to radiological safety at NRC-licensed facilities, particularly nuclear power plants.
In the State Liaison Officer Program, every governor appoints a State Liaison Officer who works directly with the NRC's Regional State Liaison Officers. The goal of the State Liaison Officer Program is to improve cooperation and two-way communication between the NRC and the States. [Shrink]
The Material Safety Licensing and Tribal Branch implements the Tribal Liaison Program. The NRC acknowledges the sovereign rights of Federally-recognized Native American Tribal governments. Under the Tribal Liaison Program, the NRC maintains government-to-government communications with those [Expand]
The Material Safety Licensing and Tribal Branch implements the Tribal Liaison Program. The NRC acknowledges the sovereign rights of Federally-recognized Native American Tribal governments. Under the Tribal Liaison Program, the NRC maintains government-to-government communications with those Tribes, as well as with their national organizations, who are potentially affected by, or otherwise interested in, NRC regulatory activities. The NRC initiates contact or responds to requests for information on specific issues relevant to NRC's policy and regulatory authority, primarily in the areas of high and low-level radioactive waste storage, transportation, disposal, and reclamation. [Shrink]
Agreement & Non-Agreement States

Click on a given state (or state code listed below) for information on its Regulation Status, legislation, contact information, State Agreement, and Program Reviews.
AK * AL * AR * AZ * CA * CO * CT * DC * DE * FL * GA * GU * HI * IA * ID * IL * IN * KS * KY * LA * MA * MD * ME * MI * MN * MO * MS * MT * NC * ND * NE * NH * NJ * NM * NV * NY * OH * OK * OR * PA * PR * RI * SC * SD * TN * TX * UT * VA * VI * VT * WA * WI * WV * WY *
Page last modified on Friday June 16 2023.